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Jackson Day School Admission

Thank you for your interest in Jackson Day School. For questions regarding Admission, or Enrollment, please email: 

For other general questions, please call our front office: 704-391-5516.

The 2023-2024 lottery application is now available online (click HERE).  Paper applications are available at the front office.  Jackson Day School (JDS) families are not required to register their RETURNING students but must register NEW SIBLINGS for the lottery.  

How do I apply for the Lottery?
  • Families must complete a lottery application. Enter a separate lottery application for each student (sibling) you wish to enter into the lottery. All applications must be complete and received on time. 

  • The link to the Lottery Application is open on JDS's website from November 1 through March 3 each year. The admission lottery occurs in March.  

  • Applicants can apply to the lottery online or by paper submission. How you choose to apply - online or on paper - does not impact your chances for admission. The preferred application method is through the online system. 

  • The school office is at 1209 Little Rock Road Charlotte NC, 28214, and we are available to accept paper applications from 9 am - 2 pm, Monday-Friday, in the new building's front office. 

  • Please avoid dropping off paper applications during car drop-off and pick-up times.  

Who is eligible to apply to Jackson Day School?


  • Applicant's parents/guardians must be residents of North Carolina. 

  • JDS admits students without regard to disability, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, or ancestry.

  • JDS may refuse admission to any student who has been expelled or suspended from a public school under North Carolina General Statute (G.S. 115C-218.45).

  • JDS reserves the right to refuse admission to any student that has not met the academic requirements for the grade level they have applied to enter.

  • Applicants entering Kindergarten must be five years old by August 31, 2023


How do the admission process and the lottery work? 


The open enrollment application will be available for the 2023-2024 academic year from November 1 through March 3 at 4:00 pm. Our preferred application method is for families to use the online lottery application. You may, if needed, download a copy of the application packet or stop by the front office for a printed copy. All application packets must be postmarked on or before March 3 or dropped off at the front office by 4:00 pm on March 3. How you choose to apply - online or on paper - does not impact your chances for admission. Applications must be complete, accurate, and received on time. 


To apply to a charter school, a parent or guardian must meet the eligibility requirements outlined above.  JDS is open to any North Carolina student who submits a timely application unless the number of applications exceeds the number of available seats in a grade level, class, or exceeds building capacity. If JDS receives more applicants than the space available, admission will be determined through a random lottery on Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 4:00 pm at Jackson Day School via virtual broadcast. 


Siblings of existing students are admitted first as long as space allows.  If a class is filled and unable to accept any more students, sibling(s) will are placed on the waitlist behind other siblings. The sibling waitlist will receive priority over the non-sibling waitlist.


Once the sibling list is exhausted, any student admitted through the lottery process will be offered admission and receive an email containing registration documentation within two weeks of the lottery. The remaining students are placed on a waitlist in the order of the lottery results.  JDS will post the lottery results on its website.  If a space becomes available after the lottery, JDS will contact the next student on the waitlist.  Open Enrollment applications received after the lottery application deadline are placed at the bottom of the 2023/2024 Lottery Waitlist.

Do siblings get priority admission?


If space allows, siblings are admitted. If a class is full, sibling(s) will be placed on the waitlist behind other siblings. The sibling waitlist will receive priority over the non-sibling waitlist. 

What if I am applying for twins or multiples?


State law allows one lottery number per family surname to be entered into the lottery for twins and multiple birth siblings. If that number is drawn, all multiple birth siblings of that surname will be admitted.

Can we schedule a tour of the school?


Due to the community interest in JDS and our priority to maintain an environment conducive to learning, we cannot schedule private tours. We will hold an open house following the open enrollment period to allow families to visit the school, meet the staff, and learn more about JDS. Open House dates will be posted following the March lottery. We have attached a slideshow containing the most commonly asked questions on school tours for parents to review.  

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