​Jackson Day School offers a comprehensive Visual Arts Program for students in grades K-12. In elementary school, Visual Art is offered within a rotation of special courses for all students. In grades 6-12, Visual Arts are offered as an elective course. Middle and High school students have the opportunity to enroll in 2D or 3D art courses at JDS. At each level, all students learn to use the visual art language to create, respond, reflect, analyze, critique, and present art. Students learn to use Art Elements and Design Principles to create successful art compositions. Students use a variety of art processes and tools to create art in a variety of media, including drawing, painting, fibers, ceramics, printing, and much more. See our student's virtual gallery below.
In addition, our Art Department supports extracurricular clubs for grades K-12, split into various age groups. Our art students' work is displayed throughout the school hallways, lobby, local businesses, and school special events.